designs visual identities, books and typefaces.
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Feed the City, FHNW Institute of Architecture
Salon skug 2024, skug
Beyond Concrete, FHNW School of Architecture
Nike Air, Nike
Safe Harbor, Russell Perkins
Farmacia Typeface
Lucifer Typeface, Swiss Design Awards Exhibition, 2023
Baslerische Landsitze, Verlag Baselland
AZ Logo Drafts, Alexandra Zedtwitz
Lucifer Typeface
The Future Tense, Russell Perkins
Hofmann Typeface
Kiosk Typeface
AZ Logo System, Alexandra Zedtwitz
Metaphorical Thinking in Poster Design (Article)
SWISSTOPIA AUTOMATA, Basel Academy of Art and Design
All About Space (Vol. 2), EPFL ALICE
Future Sense, Basel Academy of Art and Design
GayMenzel Parcours, GayMenzel
Keep Distance, Kreative contra Corona Initiative
SQ Typeface
Poetry of the Real, Basel Academy of Art and Design
Gestalten in Metaphern, Basel Academy of Art and Design
Monopol Kompakt Typeface
Typologie des Streits, University of the Arts Berlin
Klösterli Wettingen Jubiläumspublikation, Klösterli Wettingen
Spektakuli 2017, Miller’s Theater
U.S. History through Postage Stamps, Nguyen Gobber
A selection of our typefaces
The Basel School of Design 2019, Visual Communication Institute FHNW
Generation Mono
An der Grenze der Lesbarkeit, Basel Academy of Art and Design
Sticks Typeface
9. Secondo Theaterfestival, Secondo Theaterfestival, Miller’s Theater
The Basel School of Design 2020, Visual Communication Institute FHNW